Home Repairs
Keeping Your Home Safe and Healthy
myHOME is a SJCS rehab program available in specific neighborhoods that offers repairs to assist homeowners with health and safety renovations to their homes, such as new heaters to keep warm, new roofs to replace ones that have been damaged, new windows to lower energy costs, and other renovations to keep residents safe in their homes.
To learn more about “myHome” and to see if your home qualifies for home repairs, please contact Iveliz Porrata at iporrata@sjcscamden.org or call 856-966-8117, ext. 225.
Lead Safe Remediation
SJCS has been selected by the NJ Department of Community Affairs as one of nine community based agencies in the State to participate in the Lead-Safe Home Remediation (LSHR) Program. The purpose of the program is to identify and remediate lead-based paint hazards via interim controls to prevent elevated blood lead levels in children and pregnant women. Testing is free and available to all residents of the Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Salem counties.
Typical repairs in this program include new doors and windows, fresh coats of paint on friction surfaces and new handrails.
SJCS can also assist families with lead paint abatement measures in certain areas.
To learn more about the Lead Safe program or to schedule a free consultation, please contact Iveliz Porrata at iporrata@sjcscamden.org or call 856-966-8117, ext. 225.