Tenant Information
Maintenance Requests, Supportive Services and Rent Payments
Pay Rent
Rent is accepted at 20 Church Street, Camden, NJ 08105. If you have any questions, please call Cherise Harris, Property Manager, at 856-966-8117 ext 235 or at propertymanager@sjcscamden.org.
Maintenance Requests
For general maintenance requests, please reach out to propertymanager@sjcscamden.org, call 856-966-8117 ext. 235 or come to our offices on 20 Church Street, Camden, NJ 08105.
You can make maintenance requests through Rent Cafe below.
Supportive Services
SJCS provides an array of supportive services to apartment residents in an effort to connect individuals to the resources that will benefit themselves and their families. Services include:
- resource and referral information
- assistance applying for programs and benefits
- workshops
- presentations
- health screenings
- homebuying counseling/education
Please reach out to Erica Acevedo, Community Engagement and Social Services Coordinator, at eacevedo@sjcscamden.org or 856-966-8117 ext 227.